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These maps shows the aggregate potential across Ireland. To produce these maps, scores were given to each area based on several factors such as rock type suitability, number of quarries, area, elevation etc. The final score was a number between 5 and 100 The maps shows the...
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The dataset contains linear waste features identified at historic mine sites. This consists mainly of the drainage of water on a site, termed mine drainage.
TimpeallachtThe general location of the historic mining districts in Ireland.
Mine features at individual mine sites.
TimpeallachtThis dataset defines the boundaries of solid waste heaps that were located at historic mine sites.
Location of water sampling sites for the Historic Mines Project
Location of water sampling sites for the Historic Mines Project
Point locations of seepages and discharges found at mine sites.
This dataset contains 10 polygon features. "Mine Subsidence" means lateral or vertical ground movement caused by a failure initiated at the mine level, of man made underground mines.
Linear mine features consisting of Faults, Fold axis, Lines of subsidence, minearlized veins and structural contours.
TimpeallachtThis shapefile contains a range of mining features found on a typical mine site. This includes historic mine buildings and other typical mining features that are polygon in nature.
TimpeallachtPolygon water features such as reservoir, settling ponds and lagoons.
TimpeallachtThis is a dataset which shows the boundary of mines, outlining the mine area.
Point locations of wells, springs and sinkholes identified at historic mine sites.
TimpeallachtPoint location of individual mine sites within each district.
TimpeallachtLinear water features including drainage, surface run-off and water conduits.