CE16004 Fisheries Anglerfish and Megrim Trawl Survey

Arna fhoilsiú ag: Marine Institute
Tuairimí: 13
Rátáil oscailteachta:

This survey (leg 3 and 4) of the 2016 Irish Anglerfish and Megrim Survey (IAMS) took place from 25th February to 6th March 2016 on RV Celtic Explorer, led by the Marine Institute. Leg one and two took place in January. The IAMS survey is coordinated with the Scottish Anglerfish and Megrim survey (SIAMISS) and uses the same gear and fishing practices. The main objective of the survey was to obtain biomass estimates for anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius and L. budegassa) and establish an abundance index for megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis and L. boscii) in VIa (south of 58°N) and VII (west of 8°W). Sampling stations were selected at random. A standard commercial otter trawl was used, and trawled at 3kn for one hour at each station. All fish and invertebrate species were sorted and weighed. One CTD transect was completed during leg 3. The main objective of the survey is to obtain biomass estimates for anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius and L. budegassa) in and establish an abundance index for megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis and L. boscii) in VIa (south of 58°N) and VII (west of 8°W). Secondary objectives are to collect data on the distribution and relative abundance of anglerfish, megrim and other commercially exploited species. The survey also collects maturity and other biological information for commercial fish species.

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Resource: CSV Underway Data

URL https://erddap.marine.ie/erddap/tabledap/imipublicunderway.csv?midgid%2Csdn_local_cdi_id%2Csdn_edmed_global%2Csdn_csrref_global%2Cplatform_name%2Cices_platform_code%2Ccruise%2Cexpocode%2Cyear%2Cmonth%2Ctime%2Cdepth%2Clatitude%2Clongitude%2Cspeed%2Cpitch%2Croll%2Cheave%2Ctrue_heading%2Cbathymetric_depth%2Cconductivity%2Csalinity%2Ctemperature%2Cfluoresence_raw%2Catmospheric_pressure%2Cair_temperature%2Crelative_humidity%2Crelative_wind_speed%2Crelative_wind_direction%2Ctrue_wind_speed%2Ctrue_wind_direction%2Cspeed_qc%2Cpitch_qc%2Croll_qc%2Cheave_qc%2Ctrue_heading_qc%2Cbathymetric_depth_qc%2Cconductivity_qc%2Csalinity_qc%2Ctemperature_qc%2Cfluoresence_raw_qc%2Catmospheric_pressure_qc%2Cair_temperature_qc%2Crelative_humidity_qc%2Crelative_wind_speed_qc%2Crelative_wind_direction_qc%2Ctrue_wind_speed_qc%2Ctrue_wind_direction_qc&cruise=%22CE16004%22

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Data last updated 4 Márta 2025
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Created 4 Márta 2025
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