Local authority boundaries
Additional Info
Creator | Dave Corley |
Organisation | OpenStreetMap Ireland |
Online URL | |
Public Sector Body | OSi |
Potential Use | OpenStreetMap, Journalism |
Likes | 0 |
Created | 7 mbliana ó shin |
Dúnta | 7 mbliana ó shin |
Open Data | Ceann ar bith |
Current Discussion
Dave Corley (Unauthenticated user) (7 mbliana ó shin)
Spot on Marian, thank you. I didn't spot that being the LA boundaries
MBeakey (7 mbliana ó shin)
Dave, let me know if this is of assistance. https://data.gov.ie/dataset/administrative-counties-ungeneralised-osi-national-administrative-boundaries