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Public Sector Body
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Likes 10
Created 5 bliana ó shin
Dúnta 5 bliana ó shin
Open Data Ceann ar bith
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Current Discussion

  • paulfitzpatrick (5 bliana ó shin)

    We understand that Eircode postcodes are publicly available https://finder.eircode.ie/#/ but are not available to commercial organisations free of charge. Eircode offers two database products for purchase, the Eircode Address File Database (ECAD) and the Eircode Address File (ECAF). The ECAD contains the Eircode, postal address, geo-coordinates and aliases of addresses, while the ECAF contains Eircodes and postal addresses. Further information is available on Eircode website https://www.eircode.ie/business/products-and-services. Regards, Open Data Unit