Capacity and attendance in Schools by geographic area, with school/class level breakdown.


This data set will describe the total capacity of each school, assuming it is fully staffed broken down by class (1st class, 2nd class etc). It will also list what constitutes fully staffed and the current staff level. It will also include a count of current students in each class.

Additional Info

Creator Capacity and attendance in Schools by geographic area, with school/class level breakdown.
Organisation Volunteer technologists supporting the Red Cross
Online URL


Public Sector Body Dept of Education
Potential Use

I volunteer on technology projects with the Red Cross migration team. We need access to this information in order to prioritise areas where we can place refugee families who require access to schooling.

Likes 134
Created 7 mbliana ó shin
Dúnta Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Krystyna Pycinska-Taylor (Unauthenticated user) (7 mbliana ó shin)

    Hi, Thank you for your dataset suggestion which was sent to the D/Education and Skills for consideration. Regards, Open Data Team, 11/06/18