NCT database of annual vehicle kilometers by engine size/taxation class


Provides a dis-aggregated dataset outlining the average vehicle kilometers driven by cars tested by the NCT that year. The average vehicle kilometers would be categorized by taxation class and/or engine size

Additional Info

Creator NCT database of annual vehicle kilometers by engine size/taxation class
Organisation NCT
Online URL
Public Sector Body Department of Tranport / NCT
Potential Use

Emissions research,

Likes 185
Created 5 bliana ó shin
Dúnta Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Brian Scanlon (Unauthenticated user) (5 bliana ó shin)

    Also inclusion of vehicle-specific information would also be great (such as year).

  • paulfitzpatrick (5 bliana ó shin)

    Request sent to the RSA for consideration on 24/9/19. Open Data Team