GTFS Vehicle Position Feed for Dublin Bus, Go Ahead Ireland and Bus Eireann


The GPS coordinates of most buses on the Dublin Bus, Go Ahead Ireland and Bus Eireann networks are known and used for stop time predictions. Make this information publicly available via GTFS Realtime Vehicle Position feeds with the trip identifier correctly matching the corresponding trip identifier in the GTFS schedules.

Additional Info

Creator GTFS Vehicle Position Feed for Dublin Bus, Go Ahead Ireland and Bus Eireann
Organisation YourStop
Online URL
Public Sector Body Transport for Ireland
Potential Use

GTFS consuming applications such as can show the actual bus location on a trip map.

Likes 155
Created 6 bliana ó shin
Dúnta 4 bliana ó shin
Open Data Ceann ar bith
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Current Discussion

  • paulfitzpatrick (4 bliana ó shin)

    According to the NTA, they have made available GTFS-R API. To use the API you must register for by going to and subscribe to the GTFS-Realtime product to obtain a subscription key.

    Further details on the GTFS-R API can be found at the following links:

    API Definition:

    Developers should familiarize themselves with the fair usage policy that is in place

  • paulfitzpatrick (4 bliana ó shin)

    According to the NTA, they are currently in the process of making this available. The development is in the final stages prior to being released on This is due to be completed by September. Subscription details for the GTFS-R API will be made available at that time.

    Further details on GTFS-R can be found at the following links:

  • paulfitzpatrick (4 bliana ó shin)

    Update request sent to the National Transport Authority on 06/07/2020

  • Kieron Black (Unauthenticated user) (4 bliana ó shin)

    Any updates on this suggestions?

  • Paul Harrington (Unauthenticated user) (5 bliana ó shin)

    This is disappointing (both the delays and lack of a vehicle position feed) and is not my idea of what open data should be about. At the end of the day it is commuters loss through less choice and diversity of travel information systems than they could otherwise have. I do however appreciate you guys getting back to me, several direct efforts have been recently made to get updates but to no avail.

  • Open Data Team (Unauthenticated user) (5 bliana ó shin)

    The update received from the NTA is that they don't plan to publish the GTFS Vehicle position feed. They will GTFS-RT travel updates but this is delayed to Q1 2020. However they say that the current REST API provides the same information and is now working fine. They will at some point in the future also publish GTFS-RT services alerts and the estimate for this is Q3/4 2020).

  • Paul Harrington (Unauthenticated user) (5 bliana ó shin)


  • Paul Harrington (Unauthenticated user) (5 bliana ó shin)

    Any further update on this guys ?

  • Open Data Team (Unauthenticated user) (6 bliana ó shin)

    We checked this with the NTA who estimate that it will be another 7 weeks before it is available. Open Data Team

  • Paul Harrington (Unauthenticated user) (6 bliana ó shin)

    Any update on the GTFS-RT service availability ? Updates to the TFI app suggest it may be available

  • John Carroll (Unauthenticated user) (6 bliana ó shin)

    Take money to fund this from a slick marketing budget that implies a satisfying UX but delivers nothing but jobs for the boys and girls. Why do the unions have so much power over every single change in the company,

  • alec smith (Unauthenticated user) (6 bliana ó shin)

    This needs to be implemented as soon as possible, very frustrating relying on the indication signs at the stops as these are timetable only.

  • Stuart Harper (Unauthenticated user) (6 bliana ó shin)

    Real time positions of buses will allow commuters to form an understanding of where their bus gets delayed before getting to them. It'll both allow them to make better judgements about when their bus will arrive during abnormal traffic conditions and create more political pressure for removing delays during normal traffic conditions. Right now users may blame any number of factors for a late bus but if they can see it get stuck in the same spot every time then they will strongly be in favour of changes to address it.

  • open data team (Unauthenticated user) (6 bliana ó shin)

    Please see response from the NTA 'The current Real Time API through and is failing due to its age. We are commissioning a new GTFS-RT service to replace that service. This will do as this request asks. We expect to launch in May 2019. It will be Open and free to use. We will publish access to the service through'

  • Open Data Team (Unauthenticated user) (6 bliana ó shin)

    Request referred to the National Transport Authority 10/4/2019

  • Bryan Maguire (Unauthenticated user) (6 bliana ó shin)

    This information needs to be available so third parties can provide proper real time information for users of the service.