Speeding offences (and expanded traffic offences)


List of speeding offenses on the roads in ireland. Should contain the location, dates, times and speeds registered where they occur. Can also be expanded to include information to include whether driver was found to be guilty of other issues at the time car stolen, uninsured driver, car not taxed, unlicensed driver, driver under the influence, passenger not wearing seatbelts, on mobile,

Additional Info

Creator Speeding offences (and expanded traffic offences)
Organisation RSA, TII, DOJ, Garda
Online URL
Public Sector Body RSA, TII, DOJ, Garda
Potential Use

Most dangerous times to drive, times traffic patrol on roads most useful, placement of cameras

Likes 104
Created 4 bliana ó shin
Dúnta Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • paulfitzpatrick (4 bliana ó shin)

    Request sent to the RSA, TII, DOJ and Garda for consideration on 22/03/21. Open Data Team.