Teimpléad maidir le Cúlchistí Idirnáisiúnta

Arna fhoilsiú ag: Central Bank of Ireland
Téama: Government
Tuairimí: 1
Rátáil oscailteachta:

Soláthraíonn an teimpléad sonraí maidir le cúlchistí idirnáisiúnta agus leachtacht airgeadra eachtrach forléargas mionsonraithe ar chúlchistí idirnáisiúnta na hÉireann agus ar shócmhainní airgeadra eachtrach agus an acmhainn agus réamhdhearbhú insreabhadh agus dísciú glan airgeadra eachtrach gearrthéarmach. Déantar na sonraí a scaipeadh ar bhonn míosúil, agus de réir teimpléad caighdeánaithe idirnáisiúnta atá bunaithe ag an gCiste Airgeadaíochta Idirnáisiúnta (CAI). Cuimsíonn cúlsócmhainní éilimh fíorleachtacha indíolta agus inchairde atá i seilbh Bhanc Ceannais na hÉireann maidir le cónaitheoirí nach bhfuil sa limistéar euro, ar éilimh iad atá ainmnithe in airgeadra eachtrach (seachas in euro). Áirítear ar shócmhainní airgeadra eachtrach eile éilimh atá ainmnithe in airgeadra eachtrach ar chónaitheoirí atá sa limistéar euro. Tá dliteanais a bhaineann le cúlchistí réamhchinntithe agus bíonn siad ag brath ar dhísciú glan gearrthéarmach ar an Eurochóras. Cuirtear sócmhainní cúlchiste i dtoll a chéile ar bhonn comhlán gan glanluacháil a dhéanamh ar dhliteanais a bhaineann le cúlchistí.

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Resource: Template on International Reserves

URL https://opendata.centralbank.ie/dataset/2e7d767c-1bf5-4fd9-911b-808487cfa76b/resource/ad3a2fae-2b38-4660-8e45-cfafbf0ed59f/download/template_on_international_reserves.csv

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Data last updated 6 Nollaig 2023
Metadata last updated 20 Feabhra 2025
Created 4 Nollaig 2023
Formáid CSV
Ceadúna Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Datastore activeTrue
NotesThe data template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity provides a detailed overview of the Irish international reserves and other foreign currency assets and potential and predetermined short-term foreign currency inflows and net drains . The data are disseminated monthly, and in accordance to an internationally standardised template established by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Reserve assets comprise highly liquid, marketable and creditworthy claims held by the Central Bank of Ireland on non-euro residents that are denominated in foreign currencies (not in euro). Other foreign currency assets include foreign currency-denominated claims on euro area residents. Reserve-related liabilities are predetermined and contingent short-term net drains on the Eurosystem. Reserve assets are compiled on a gross basis without netting of reserve-related liabilities.
Package id2e7d767c-1bf5-4fd9-911b-808487cfa76b
Preview rows38,016
Size238.4 KiB
Total record count38,016
Cur síos The data template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity provides a detailed overview of the Irish international reserves and other foreign currency assets and potential and predetermined short-term foreign currency inflows and net drains . The data are disseminated monthly, and in accordance to an internationally standardised template established by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Reserve assets comprise highly liquid, marketable and creditworthy claims held by the Central Bank of Ireland on non-euro residents that are denominated in foreign currencies (not in euro). Other foreign currency assets include foreign currency-denominated claims on euro area residents. Reserve-related liabilities are predetermined and contingent short-term net drains on the Eurosystem. Reserve assets are compiled on a gross basis without netting of reserve-related liabilities.
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource Níl
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