Ireland’s marine waters (offshore, inshore and coastline) are home to a rich and diverse range of species and habitats. Our maritime area contains a wide variety of habitats ranging from shallow inshore reefs and sandbanks to canyons, seamounts, troughs and cold-water coral...
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As part of a review of the Solar Planning Exemptions set out in the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, the Department in conjunction with relevant statutory stakeholders (namely the Irish aviation Authority (IAA), Department of Defence and the HSE) considered the...
TithíochtDublin Housing Task Force Tier1 (Q2 2016) Sites where planning permission has been granted and the permission can be implemented immediately
TithíochtDublin Housing Task Force Tier 2A (Q2 2016) Sites where a planning application has been lodged with a planning authority
Social Housing Construction Status Report Q2 2022Tithíocht
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Q1 2022 Housing Supply Coordination Task Force for DublinTithíochtHousing Supply Coordination Task Force for Dublin Data 2022 https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-housing-local-government-and-heritage/
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Planning appeals by area 2002-2012
Percentages for planning applications by type of application 2002-2012TithíochtPercentages for planning applications by type of application 2002-2012 That is, outline planning permission, approval consequent on outline permission granted under the Planning and Development Regulations 1994, or full permission under the 2001-2010 Regulations (the latter...
Number of planning decisions by area 2010-2012TithíochtNumber of planning decisions by area 2010-2012
Planning applications where Section 4 or Section 140 procedures were followed, by area, 2011 and ...TithíochtPlanning applications where Section 4 or Section 140 procedures were followed, by area, 2011 and 2012
This layer was set up so that members of the public and local authority personnel can track the plans relevant to their functional area which are due to expire within the next two years – the statutory review period of a plan. It is an informative tool designed to alert and...
ESRI Structural Household Demand by Local AuthorityTithíochtHousehold formation by scenario, local authority and year, for the 4 scenarios described in the project methodology for the years 2017-2040 https://www.esri.ie/publications/regional-demographics-and-structural-housing-demand-at-a-county-level The 4 scenarios are:...
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...
TithíochtThe Fire Services Act, 1981 sets out the rules and regulations for that the fire service works to. The NDFEM provides support to the Local Authorities to make sure these rules and regulations are put in place and that health and safety is prioritised. We provide funding to...
Planning applications by class of development 2002-2012TithíochtPlanning applications by class of development 2002-2012
TithíochtPrompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Reporting Template pursuant to Government Decision S29296