About the Author/Organisation

Alison Boland.

About the Project serves as a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in exploring the cultural heritage of County Meath, Ireland. The website boasts a vast database of over 3,000 monuments and heritage sites across the county. What truly sets apart is its utilisation of Open Data. The project leverages data from various public sources, including the National Monuments Service, Irish placename projects, Europeana & Geograph. This openness ensures information accuracy.

Why it's a Showcase exemplifies the power of Open Data by showcasing the potential of linking datasets from various public organisations. This innovative approach allows the website to connect information across different sources, resulting in a richer user experience. For each monument, users can explore details like placename translations, photos of nearby locations, excavation reports, and even related European artifacts. This comprehensive view provides a deeper understanding of each heritage site and its significance. Furthermore, the project demonstrates how Open Data can be repurposed to create a valuable public resource. promotes cultural exploration and discovery by making information about County Meath's rich heritage accessible and engaging.

Impact of the Showcase

The recognition of as a showcase on highlights the potential of Open Data for cultural heritage initiatives. This recognition serves as an inspiration for others to explore and utilise Open Data for innovative applications. The project empowers individuals to learn more about the cultural heritage of County Meath. Through its well-organised and accessible information, fosters a deeper appreciation for the region's historical and cultural significance.

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