Is é an sprioc atá ag an Tairseach Shonraí Oscailte ná Faisnéis na hEarnála Poiblí a chru ar fáil ar líne go hoscailte I bhfoirm atúsáidte. Cuirtear fáilte roimh mholtaí ar thacair sonraí ar chóir a fhoilsiú nach bhfuil nasctha leis an taorseach cheana féin. Bí i dteagmháil linn le tacair sonraí a mholadh agus cuirfear an moladh ar aghaidh chuig na comhlachtaí poiblí iomchuí.
Tacair Sonraí atá molta cheana féin
OPW Draft Flood Mapping
ClosedDraft indicative flood extents from the OPW Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, or the OPW Pilot CFRAM Studies -
Health insurance policy information underlying website
ClosedThe HIA website has all of the policy data required for all of the available health insurance policies. -
Water Outage Information from Irish Water
OpenIrish Water has an existing locked-down GIS dataset for all current and expected water outage issues across Ireland. These are mapped as points and provide metadata about the... -
Street Schedule
OpenSchedule of streets by name, identifying the start point and end point of the named street -
Dublin Bus Realtime GPS Locations
OpenA dataset that shows the raw Lat/Long position of all buses on the Dublin Bus network. At the moment there is only a time estimate which can be very unreliable and often does... -
NCT Results
OpenQuite simply keep everything in the existing dataset with the inclusion of a column for engine size in cc's and engine type e.g. petrol, diesel or electric -
Local authority boundaries
ClosedGIS files containing ungeneralised boundary data for all city, county & city and county local authorities in Ireland -
List of OPW Heritage Sites
OpenThe OPW run a vast number of Irish heritage sites in Ireland. However, there is no currently published comprehensive list of these sites online. I would love to see a dataset... -
Childcare facilities
OpenTusla (HSE) the child protection agency currently have data available through POBAL maps. the request is for the data to be released through here, with all available info to be... -
Primary & Post Primary Schools datasets with full info
OpenI was delighted to see Primary and Post Primary lists being released to this portal by the Dept of Education here...