In the southwest of Ireland and the Celtic Sea (ICES divisions: 7j-g and 7aS), herring are an important commercial species to the pelagic and polyvalent fleet. Acoustic surveys are currently are the only tuning indices available for this stock. Since 2004 the survey has been...
TimpeallachtThis dataset contains the digital points for Major Coastal Towns and Cities in Ireland. The geography has been developed by the Marine Institute specifically for the production and analysis of marine spatial planning. None
Daily counts of seaward migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), trout (Salmo trutta) and Eur...TimpeallachtThe Burrishoole traps (on the Salmon leap and the Mill race) in Co. Mayo Ireland, capture every fish that migrates from the freshwater portion of the Burrishoole catchment to the sea, and are situated between Lough Feeagh and Lough Furnace. The traps are emptied every day, and...
"Grab samples collected in Tolka Estuary as part of the Water Framework Directive Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954)...
Every three years the ICES Working Group on Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Surveys (WGMEGS) coordinates a major survey in the northeast Atlantic. These surveys cover the northeast Atlantic between the Gulf of Cadiz and currently the south coasts of Iceland and Faroes, between...
TimpeallachtDeployment of a sub-surface mooring at South Rockall (52° 59.956' N, -16° 28.84' W) from the RV Celtic Explorer survey CE18015 on 02/10/2018. Recovered on 28/05/2019 by the RV Celtic Explorer survey CE19009. The purpose of this activity is to collect data to help understand...
A requirement of the Water Framework Directive is that benthic macro-invertebrates must be sampled from coastal and transitional waters at least twice within a river basin cycle (6 years) in order to classify these waterbodies. Numerous samples will be taken from sites in...
National Monitoring Programme for Phytoplankton Species occurrence in Aquaculture Production AreasTimpeallachtThe Phytoplankton National Monitoring Programme for the identification and enumeration of phytoplanktonic species is an important measurement in the detection of those species which may form a Harmful Algal Bloom event. Where favourable environmental conditions occur, some...
CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) measures temperature, salinity, turbidity and flourescence in the water column. Sea temperature is a measurement of the temperature of the water column as the SBE instrument samples to various depths. Salinity is a measure of the salt...
Census and fecundity data from the captive and wild-bred Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) populat...TimpeallachtThe Marine Institute (formerly the Salmon Research Agency of Ireland and the Salmon Research Trust) operate permanent complete fish traps in the Burrishoole catchment, Co. Mayo, Ireland, as part of a program of long term ecological research (LTER). Data has been collected...
TimpeallachtHarbour limits describe the legal limits within which companies may be formed with respect to geographical location of a harbour. That is, a company the harbour of which is situate in the pilotage district of a pilotage authority shall organise and ensure the provision of...
Hourly measurements of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and estimated dissolved organ...TimpeallachtDissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a general description of the organic material dissolved in water. Organic carbon occurs as the result of decomposition of plant or animal material. Organic carbon present in soil or water bodies may then dissolve when contacted by water. This...
TimpeallachtGrab samples collected in Youghal Bay as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment classification, -and an...
Collaborative Oceanography and Monitoring for Protected Areas and Species (Compass): Task 5 Ocean...TimpeallachtThese data addressed the COMPASS programme objective of developing cross-border capacity by drawing together two currently unrelated national hydrodynamic models, the Irish Northeast Atlantic Model and the Scottish Shelf Model (SSM), or an alternative west coast domain, into...
TimpeallachtGrab samples collected in Tolka Estuary as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment classification, -and...
Grab samples collected in the Mouth of Shannon (HAs 23;27) as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment...
TimpeallachtGrab samples collected in Gweebarra Bay as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment classification, -and...
Grab samples collected in the Barrow Suir Nore Estuary as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment...
TimpeallachtGrab samples collected in Ballysadare Bay as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment classification, -and...
Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Assessment of progress towards the achievement of Good...TimpeallachtIn 2013 Ireland competed an Initial Assessment of its maritime area. This assessment builds on that and is based on monitoring data collected under the Water Framework Directive (Dir 2000/60/EC) and OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme. The objective of this...