TimpeallachtScales and otoliths are routinely collected in the Burrishoole catchment within the permanent fish traps as part of the ongoing LTER (long term ecological research) program of monitoring. Scales and otoliths can be indicative of fish growth. Furthermore, scales and otoliths...
TimpeallachtThis three week survey was carried out to map the physical features of the Irish seabed using hydrographic techniques and ancillary geophysical equipment. This survey was conducted in the Celtic Sea on board the RV Celtic Explorer. Mapping Ireland's seabed resource...
South Rockall Trough Sub-surface Mooring Pilot Deployment (October 2018 - May 2019) - CTD Data (Raw)TimpeallachtThis dataset contains raw water temperature, conductivity (derived salinity) and pressure data from CTD instruments from a pilot deep water mooring deployed at a site (15.52 degrees West, 52.999 degrees North) in the South Rockall Trough close to the M6 met-ocean buoy. The...
TimpeallachtThe TOSCA geological and biological research survey took place over May - June 2018 on board the RV Celtic Explorer with the mission of studying the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a complex area located 1,600km west of Ireland deep in the Atlantic Ocean. Led by University College Dublin...
The 2018 Irish Anglerfish and Megrim Survey (IAMS) took place from 20th February to 19th March (area 7bcjk) and from 10-21st April 2018 (area 6a) on the Marine Institute's RV Celtic Explorer to provide abundance indices for anglerfish and megrim and to provide maturity...
TimpeallachtAn acoustic survey targeting blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) spawning and post spawning aggregations in the north east Atlantic in 2019. This survey took place in March/April on board the RV Celtic Explorer. The purpose of this survey was to survey blue whiting...
The 2019 Irish Anglerfish and Megrim Survey (IAMS) took place over two survey: CE19004 was carried out from 1st to 25th March. The survey was conducted to provide abundance indices for anglerfish and megrim and to provide maturity data for a range of species. A total of 80...
This survey was conducted on board the RV Celtic Explorer in 2018 by the Marine Institute (MI) as part of the annual groundfish survey to determine the distribution and abundance of commercial fish around Ireland. The Irish Groundfish Survey (IGFS) forms part of the...
TimpeallachtThe Irish Groundfish Surveys is part of an annual International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) programme co-ordinated by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). The survey is carried out over 47 days between October-December each year by the Marine...
This survey was conducted by the Marine Institute in Autumn 2018 as part of the annual Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey. The aim of an acoustic survey is to determine the relative abundance of the target species. This information is then used to determine catch rates and...
TimpeallachtThe Irish Groundfish Survey forms part of the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) programme, an international survey effort coordinated by ICES (the International Council of the Exploration of the Sea). Over 42 days in the Autumn/Winter each year the survey collects...
pCO2 - CE17011 Fisheries Acoustic Survey - The Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WE...TimpeallachtpC02 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
pCO2 - CE17009 The Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS) Acoustic Survey Leg 1TimpeallachtpC02 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
TimpeallachtpCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
CE18012 Exploiting and conserving deep-sea genetic resources: Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) cr...TimpeallachtThis 12 day survey took place on board the RV Celtic Explorer in August 2018 led National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) in the North East Atlantic Ocean. The survey was carried out to collect fauna (specifically sponges and corals) using the ROV. 12 science dives were...
TimpeallachtpC02 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
pC02 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
pCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
The SmartBay Observatory in Galway Bay is an underwater observatory which uses cameras, probes and sensors to permit continuous and remote live underwater monitoring. It was installed in 2015 on the seafloor 1.5km off the coast of Spiddal, Co. Galway, Ireland at a depth of...
TimpeallachtNephrops norvegicus are common around the Irish coast, occurring in geographically distinct sandy or muddy areas where the sediment is suitable for construction of their burrow dwellings. The Marine Institute carries out Underwater TV surveys annually of commercially important...